The Windmill Mentorship Program: Empowering Windmill clients to achieve career success

Since 2019, The Windmill Mentorship Program has empowered 360 clients by partnering them with a skilled professional in their field. This program helps our clients learn more about the Canadian job market, enhance their network, collaborate with a supportive mentor and gain valuable skills.

Mentorship,Financial Planning

May 1, 2024

How does the mentorship program work?

The mentorship program is four months long and each mentor-mentee pair meets for two to four hours per month. These meetings take place via video call, telephone or in person. In the first meeting, the mentee shares their career goals with their mentor by completing a goal worksheet. This worksheet is something that both the mentor and mentee regularly refer back to as it provides a framework for both of them that they can adjust at any stage as required.

How do Windmill mentors support their mentees?

Navigating the Canadian job market can be challenging for newcomers. They may not be familiar with creating a resume or using LinkedIn to expand their network. Windmill mentors help their mentees develop essential skills such as networking, interviewing and applying for roles. Each mentor is committed to helping their mentee thrive, highlighting the mentee’s strengths and providing feedback on areas to work on. Each mentor also provides support and advice for exam preparation and the licensing process.

How does the program benefit mentors?

Our mentors frequently tell us about the impact their mentees had on them. They learn so much from their mentee, both personally and professionally. The program is an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and give back to their community by supporting newcomers in their field. Many of our mentors are long-term supporters of our mentorship program who get so much joy from seeing their mentees succeed.

What happens after the program ends?

At the end of the four-month program, each participant completes a survey about their experience. Their feedback helps us improve The Windmill Mentorship Program for future Windmill mentors and mentees. Each of our mentees receives a certificate and a letter of recognition. Many of our mentor-mentee pairs choose to stay in touch after the program, which we always love to see.

Our mentors are dedicated to helping our clients succeed and we’re so grateful to them for sharing their expertise. If you are a skilled professional who would like to support a newcomer’s career journey in Canada, become a Windmill mentor!

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